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12 :Wind Continues to Blow (第2/4页)
t to pour in, casting a golden glow over the wooden furniture and green plants.
"Here you go. Enjoy!" the barista said, placing the bun and coffee on the counter.
"Thank you!" Sukie replied, taking her order to a nearby table. She took a bite of the cinnamon bun and closed her eyes in delight. The taste was as heavenly as she had imagined.
While savoring her treat, she couldn,t help but overhear a conversation at the next table. A group of locals were chatting animatedly in Swedish, and although she couldn,t understand much, she caught a few familiar words.
Curious and eager to learn, Sukie leaned in slightly, trying to pick up more of the conversation. Suddenly, one of the men turned towards her, catching her off guard.
"Are you enjoying the kanelbulle?" he asked in perfect English, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
Sukie blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed for eavesdropping. "Yes, it,s delicious. I,m still getting used to the language and culture here."
The man smiled warmly. "It takes time. I,m Lars, by the way."
"Sukie," she replied, shaking his outstretched hand.
Lars had a striking appearance—tall, with piercing blue eyes and an athletic build. There was something familiar about him that Sukie couldn,t quite place, but she dismissed the thought as they continued to chat.
Over the next few weeks, Lars and Sukie began to see more of each other. He introduced her to local traditions, took her to hidden gems in the city, and patiently helped her with the language. Their bond grew stronger w