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Chap9:DontPokeABear(逆鱗)Part3 (第4/4页)
情摄下来;而最适合我俩的,就是以最接近天然的姿态互动。 一註甜蜜的牛奶味膏浆喷在脸上,除了肢体乱颤,我就连抬手抹脸的劲都没有。 在迪姐面前,我完全成了个弱女子,欢愉过后我依偎在她怀中,一边谈着感触一边时不时亲吻她。正说得起劲,忽感脸颊一热,再抬头看她,她正默默在哭泣。 「What&039;s up, honey? Did I say something to make U feel down? You&039;re sg me a little bit .」 No, Phalaenopsis, when will you e back for me? Honeybear, you&039;ll be fag a group of female, such more temptations, and I ain』t talk to me everything is allright that I&039;m afraid will be lose you again. What I do? It&039;s a totally different horizon, you don&039;t uand, a lot of things ge us don&039;t stay in the spring with a few promises, it ges with the senses. How that be? Actually not I wanna go to Geia., I just want to stay in Pineville, spending time with you, Lying down to watch the mignifit night, remembering bits and pieces, yours and mine, what&039;s happened, what hasn&039;t bloomed yet. It&039;s just that there&039;s so much at stake on this trip, and I know what&039;s on your mind, and no matter what happens, I live in your heart, so wait for my run for U. 19:10 S 亡者之路前传白银之翼词根解释: 由此章节起Alex将化名醉蝶花,霍利斯曼化名天竺菊,Krys化名蓝花楹。 螺旋铰室:前作中的储藏小屋。 异人:人类亚种,在经过妖法刺激能轻易地转化性别。 梅西百货:知名百货公司。 卡琼女王:夏洛特知名餐馆。 单曲名:Like a Stone